In This Second Part we continue to work dow the face making sure we have the skin tone and skin texures in order getting ready for our next colour
Up Next in Advanced Portrait - Walter White
Advanced Portraits (Part 3)
In this episode we look at:
Matching additional colours
Rules of applying opaque colours
getting closer to completing the underpaintingThe underpainting is now getting close to completion, we have one more skin tone to match before we start to contrast and add additional colours
Advanced Portraits (Part 4)
In this episode, we potentially complete all the underpainting for the skin tones and get ready to contrast the painting,
we mix the final opaque skin tone, and start to add a little depth to the face,
Advanced Portraits (Part 5)
in this episode, we start to add one of the most important layers, the final contrast.
To Finish off the Face area and the skin tones, we add the final contrast colour and start to add the realism to the painting. This is an important part of this painting and important that we dont jump too s...